Future ideas for my blog

Below is a list of concepts and ideas that I would like to eventually blog about here. I have put links on the concepts that I have already blogged about:

  1. Being a Man, relating to Women.
  2. What awareness is / the function of it.
  3. The structure of language, how rearranging words creates new meanings.
  4. "He" instead of "Me" when referencing the old me.
  5. Now, compared to past and future.
  6. The true nature of emotion (biochemical, mental created, etc)
  7. The ego (not necessarily freuds definition).
  8. Who am I / Identity of my 'self'.
  9. What is it to 'know' something, how do you learn best, whats the problem with knowing and learning, etc.
  10. What is intuition, its purpose, etc.
  11. Energy flow between people.
  12. Brainwaves - training, sharing, etc.
  13. The nature of reality and our minds connection to it.
  14. Seeing is believing, or believing is seeing.
  15. Death, dying, and the beyond. (Living/ego death, and ultimate/body death).
  16. Solitude and its function of health on a being.
  17. The nature of discipline, motivation, and persistence.
  18. Goal setting, why its so important to the human.
  19. What it is to 'be' human. (Abortion threshold, euthanasia threshold, retarded threshold, etc).
  20. Finding your deepest gift in life.
  21. Chaos, what is it and how is it functional.
  22. Mental health, how one person can commit suicide and another can feel on top of the world.
  23. Sleep and dreaming / lucid dreaming / controlling inner reality.
  24. Evolution - physically, mentally, spiritually.
  25. Creativity, ideas - what are they, where do they come from, anything.
  26. Technology and its effects on the evolution of human.
  27. The function of beliefs in the human mind.
  28. The function of habits in the human mind.
  29. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? And such.
  30. The philosophy of time and space, a fabric of existence or simply a gauge of comparison, etc?
  31. Science vs. religion. The pros and cons of both, and why neither alone is enough.
  32. Perhaps what could be beyond, or the evolution, of science and religion (as separate entities into one unified one, maybe).
  33. The realization of the most universal truths being the most simple ones.
  34. The mind as a perceiver being like colored lenses, seeing a red painting with blue lenses shows a purple painting.
  35. Metaphors and their wonderful ability to portray a message better than anything else.
  36. Subjective reality vs. objective reality, and perhaps where they converge.
  37. Can someone know something to be true without having proof or words to support it?
  38. And does having words for something directly prove that truth has been obtained?
  39. Philosophy of organization - does having the ability to organize your life physically mean your mental state is organized, or at least can fathom a system to use?
  40. Structures of complex systems, and their true purpose in life.
  41. Education and its function on the development of human. Perhaps also in comparison to animals.
  42. The function of war, peace, and justice on society and humans.
  43. The concept and function of society itself. How does society change, what purpose does it really serve, etc?
  44. Government and its function, similarly.
  45. Basic human rights, what are they, what should they be, etc.
  46. The inseparable connection of the mind to the body. And the philosophy of our own unity, yet we have 2 halves of a body and mind that criss-cross...
  47. Memory and everything about it.
  48. The conscious mind vs. the subconscious mind.
  49. The nature and types of communication.
  50. The power of emotions, such as love and happiness or anger and sadness, in the life of a human.
  51. Money, the true function, purpose, and everything about it.
  52. What is confusion really?
  53. The vien-diagram of the comfort zone, extreme chaos, and the necessity of 'the edge' in growth.
  54. Biochemical perspective on the human mind and its own functions.
  55. Addiction, dependency, and such.
  56. The immense purpose and function of gaining new perspectives on things in life.
  57. The effects and realizations from trying psychedelic & hallucinogenic drugs, and also out-of-body-and-mind experiences.
  58. "The zone" (like in running), everything about it.
  59. Map of reality - its function, process of development, anything.
  60. The function that writing has on the mind.
  61. The effect that language has on the mind.
  62. Child psychology - the early development years that make an adult who he is. And, how an adult can change his past to make himself anything.
  63. The difference between indifference and being unattached.
  64. Visualization, and its impact on a persons life.
If there are other ideas you would like for me to write on, please post them in the comments section below!

Metaphor - A Forced Awakening

All of a sudden! You are pushed to the edge of a mountain cliff...

Looking back, you see and hear an enormous gust of wind heading this way!!

You look over the edge of the cliff, its miles and miles and miles and miles down...

And now everything around you is getting dark... so very dark.
You cant even see anything!

Inside yourself you feel explosions of everything you really dont want to be feeling right now.

You are walking the fine blade of the edge... and it is scarier than anything you've ever experienced.

You can wait for the wind to blow you potential death...
Or you could jump the cliff and find where it goes...
You could also close your eyes and hope it all disappears...
Maybe even begin screaming at the wind to make it stop...

But whatever you actually do, you know this place is about to disappear...

You stare off into oblivion for what feels like an eternity inside a moment... each moment.
Suddenly your whole body is flooded with a sense of calm, peace, safety, and belonging.

Its like someone just gave you a million dollars.
Or like you died and cleansed into a new birth.

You have a really intense, deep feeling that something inside you has changed structurally.

Its like you opened your eyes during a brisk nap on a warm, sunny day at the park...

And now your ready to experience life to the fullest!

Awareness vs. Energy

[This is my chart of my knowledge on the differences between Masculine/Awareness and Feminine/Energy roles.]

Note, below I am referencing the pure form of each energy. It is possible for a man to have a masculine core with feminine tendencies. I am not referencing "man" and "woman" in the common sense.


(blogger isnt table friendly)

Its alot like the yin-yang symbol.
White is Masculine/Awareness.
Black is Feminine/Energy.
Each half has a dot of the other inside it.
To continue the discussion on energies, I have compiled a set of 10 common situations where guys are confronted with problems being with Women.
I explain the situation in perspective, following with a deeper understanding of whats going on, and a new different perspective to spark growth.
Situation A - This man is always trying to figure out "why" a woman is feeling a certain way, he is using logic and reason to help change her mood.

Women want their man to unlock them

Solution - She wants to fully open herself to what she is feeling now, while feeling safety and trust in the man she is with. Even if she "takes it out" on him, he is strong through it all. So, dont try to "figure out" your woman, just let her be, and be ok with that.
Situation B - This man is trying to get his woman to grow through challenging her constantly. "You need to go to the gym honey" seems helpful to a man, but not a woman.

Problem - Women dont grow through challenge, they resent challenge. They grow through praise, always.

Solution - Stop challenging her, start praising her. Tell her "I love your gorgeous curves!" and that praise will be the energy she needs to become more gorgeous and curvy for you.
Situation C - This man is always trying to get his woman to "lay off", to stop being crazy and tough to handle.

Whats going on? - Women *are* a test to men. Women need to feel complete trust, freedom, and depth in their man, so that they can fully open themselves up. So, to determine her level of openness, she tests you constantly, never ending.

Problem - If women didn't test men, men would become sloppy, lazy, and mushy.

Solution - Just accept right now that she will never stop testing you. You must simply become stronger so that you can handle her tests, upon which her tests will become more challenging. You will never rest, and thats great. Accept her fully, even when shes ranting and bitching at you.
Situation D - This man tries to bring up a past "track record" of success when he fails, to take the edge off the failure itself.

Problem - But women dont care about your past and future, as much as they care about how REAL right now really is. And if you messed up, your past success doesn't really matter.

Solution - Just accept that you messed up, you failed. Then, commit to the solution that will help that failure to never happen again. This trust will help her to move on much more smoothly.
Situation E - This man realizes that sometimes woman can seem feral and unpredictable, even dangerous.

Just stick it out with her man. Do it because you are good at it. Even if you dont believe you are, believe it walking in and watch what happens.
Situation F - This man expects his woman to be completely obedient and dedicated to him, but its not ok for her to look at or be with any other guys, period.

Problem - This is sourced in that mans insecurity with not feeling like he is 'enough' for his woman. He is afraid that if she's looking around her, she'll find someone better.

Solution - The man must trust in himself, being confident that she will come to him for her real needs and desires in life. Giving her space to do what she wants lets her feel free, and actually *want* to come to you, instead of being forced to.
Situation G - This man has a problem with a woman saying she will do something, and then she backs out later because she doesn't feel like it.

Whats going on? - A woman's "now" moment is the most real thing she knows or experiences. If she is laughing now, her crying 10 minutes ago means nothing now. When she committed yesterday, she feels different today, and she will not do something she doesn't feel (unless forced).

Solution - Dont expect your woman to definitely commit to anything, doing so is making her be a man. Also, craft your plans so that if she does back out, you'll still be ok and ready to continue with the plan yourself.
Situation I - This man wants his woman to be able to take care of herself, physically and emotionally.

Whats going on? - Women by nature are fragile and soft. They must develop their own masculine side to be strong and safe in life, alone. This is why they want to find a man who can take care of them, so they can fully focus on opening themselves up, with safety guaranteed.

Solution - Be the decision maker, take care of everything, be honest and trustworthy, let her focus on being female. You will definitely receive back.
Situation J - This man encounters trouble with hearing his woman talk and talk about confusing and elaborate things that he is getting lost in.

And he wants her to just get to the point already

And she just wants him to listen and let her flow doing what she does best and enjoying it elegantly so.

Let me tell you, if you find it curious and fun to listen to women like I do, you'll know why its worth it to be present with your woman at all. times.

Its cool man, just allow her to be as complex as she wants to be, and when she stops, have the "and then what happened?" attitude, because you really are curious.

And watch what happens in the connection between you and that woman.

A new perspective in my life.

Every so often as I'm hiking through the wilderness of my life, I happen upon a mountaintop vista, overseeing miles and miles of expansive areas that lay behind me in life and that lay ahead of me in life. The fullness of this view is so vivid that I stop to write anything I can from this perspective, for reflection and release, before hiking up further.

This blog post is from my current perspective.

6 months ago there was a spark in my life that began me up a spiral of the most pre-unfathomable growth I have ever now experienced.

I go through "cycles" in my growth, phases if you will, on my way up. I repeat a set of about 5-7 phases throughout my weeks of living life. Recently, my cycles have been morphing drastically.

The below list describes my perspective when I'm in a 'different' phase of my growth cycle:

  1. Feelings of confusion & being lost.
  2. Slowly feeling less confusion as the dust settles.
  3. Coherent understandings slowly start appearing.
  4. A sense of base-grip on whats occurring.
  5. New transformative perspectives on X, Y, & Z in my life now.
  6. Breakthrough metaphorical explanations of my experiences in life.
  7. A wholistic and complete feeling, and living life in full release.
It makes sense that I would cycle back through to phase #1 again. When I'm full release mode, and I do that for long enough, all of a sudden I realize "holy crap, theres alot inside me that was there before but isnt now... and then I realign back to my deepest truth again, and the cycle literally goes at default human speed again, instead of the too-slow-being-held-back-by-resistance phases.

Also, there are some less frequent entries of certain phases I go through during a full cycle. Note, each one of these normally comes at the #8 position of the cycle, or whatever is last if any base phases aren't present.
  1. (every 2-5 full cycles) A deep pocket of motivation wells up and I take brute force control of my life for a while.
  2. (every 4-6 full cycles) A big whammy of a day comes at me, stacked high with challenge in every way shape and form.
  3. (every 5 cycles) I feel such an intense sense of happiness and belonging that I would be ok with dieing right now.
Then go back to #1 in the very beginning again.

Whats interesting is... I used to have a stage in the cycle, between #1 and #2, that was attributed with intense resistance, stress, struggle, and pain.

But not anymore... After 3 years of repeating this cycle over and over, somewhere about 6 months ago that phase just started dissolving away. And now its so far gone that I experience that phase perhaps every 10-15 cycles in small intensity.


Good news to me, now I can focus all my attention on repeating the cycle more and more, without debilitating pain, to finally reach my deepest truth in life.

That day 6 months ago, I had a breakthrough... I was in the resistance stage of that cycle... except this time it was so intense, my entire being was overwhelmed to such an extent, it was life or death...

And death occurred... the biggest, most complex, most 'me' part of me died that day.

My mind.

It died as the sole definition of "me".
And it was born again as a tool for the real me to use.

Ever since then... I've been experiencing such radical, profound, intense, transcendental, enlightening experiences... that I couldn't even fathom with my mind before that death.

Below is a list of the most notable experiences that I've had recently:
  1. Realization of my own deep masculine core.
  2. Deeper awareness of my own awareness and self identity.
  3. New and deeply profound perspectives on everything.
  4. Discovery and intense enjoyment of my 'edge' in life.
  5. Confidence that is unshakable and true.
  6. Motivation and determination that are unstoppable.
  7. Such intense presence in any moment that I literally feel I could die happy right now.
  8. Evolution of my social connections with both genders.
  9. Realizations and removals of limitations I was previously blind to.
  10. Energy that keeps me going for hours upon hors of exertion.
  11. Muscle growth through the roof.
  12. Metaphorical flow that so very well describes anything I want to share.
  13. Huge increase of people coming to me for perspective.
And a list of other notable abilities I've gained since that day:
  1. Detailed visions and creative ideas.
  2. Intense emotional explosions, leading to release.
  3. More expansive understandings of life.
  4. More lively social connections with people.
  5. Liberation of any limitation I become aware of.
  6. Playful attractiveness with lots of women.
  7. Resilience to any intense chaos that comes at me.
  8. Confidently powerful with my guy and girl friends.
  9. Evolved in my organization and mental placement of thoughts.
  10. Improved messages spoken by inner voices (self).
  11. Completely appreciative of everything I ever get and have.
  12. Laser-sharp focus on anything requiring it.
  13. Deep relaxation of future, knowing it will definitely work out.

These are all just to name a few. There are still going to be some things that I cannot express with words, even this list itself is simply to offer an objective rough draft to you of my current experiences.

But really, this is all a very complicated way of saying something very simple:

I am growing.