Two Techniques to Liberate You

So, lets jump straight in. Want to learn a cool technique to help you get huge results with the concepts presented in parts 1 and 2 ? Well sure you do.

[Technique #1: Letting Go]

This is something you can do anytime, yet it particularly helps to do this when you are feeling overcome / out-of-control with your emotions:

Close your eyes (if you cant, keep them open) and see yourself floating up out of your body... floating up further and then turning around to look down upon yourself. See how your body is sitting, and just watch yourself for 10 seconds. Do a count softly, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now drop the image you are looking at, and just exist in the silent void there... no counting, just be. Just be.

When you are ready, come back to your senses.

Those 10+ seconds felt so relaxing, didn't they? You see, thats all it takes to shift your physiological state from out-of-control, to unified peace.

This is what many people call the process of "letting go".

(Oh, and by the way, if you have trouble "seeing" yourself, dont stress about it. If you feel like you are looking at yourself from outside yourself, thats the same thing. Or if you hear something that ensures you of this, thats similar to. However you best imagine.)

You can even do this at stop lights, waiting in line, waiting for someone, when you're bored, even when you're happy.

You will find much success in doing this 21 times. Just 21 times, not 21 days or weeks, just times. If you can repeat it that many times, which is enough to create a subconscious habit, you'll find yourself thinking to do it automatically when you are in the "heat of the moment" lost in emotion. Nifty trick to have.

[Technique #2: Dropping into Alpha (state)]

Want another one? Sure you do. This one works only with your eyes open, and can be done practically anytime, anywhere.

With your eyes open, looking straight ahead comfortably, fix your gaze on something in particular. Keep it there. Now, while doing that, in your peripheral (side of eye) view, notice another object that is in between you and your 1st object. Just notice it along with what you are looking straight at. Next, notice a 3rd object in your view, this one being behind your 1st object, or to the left or right of it. Now, keep these 3 objects in your view, constantly updating your awareness on all 3 at once. If you wish to deepen your results, notice 1 or 2 more objects somewhere in the gaps between your first 3 objects.

Do this for as long as you want to. The longer you do it, the more your problems dissolve away.

This is great to do when you are about to engage yourself in a conversation. It gives your mind a refresher, like a quick reboot on your PC. It speeds you up, clears out your current thoughts, and gives you a clean slate upon which to claim "Me" from.

You can do this practically anytime that your direct focus on 1 object is required, like being in a conversation with a person, operating machinery, or (hopefully) in the middle of driving. But certainly you can do it in your breaks.

And again, 21 repetitions of this will solidify it as a remembered habit. Next time you are about to give a speech, you'll remember you have this technique.


Hopefully both of these techniques serve you well, as you practice and find use for them. Remember, keep it up, and keep practicing them over and over again. After you've done them enough to remember to do them more often, you'll be glad that you started. Trust me.