Right Now...

Right now... is the only moment that exists.

Whether you are...

  • Being present to all your senses, enjoying the sights, sounds, and feelings...
  • Or you are in your mind, noticing your thoughts, following a train of thought, having ideas, talking to someone, believing in your story of past and future...
It doesn't matter which one you choose... right now is still the only moment that exists.

Whether you are a scientist, theologian, new-ager, atheist, pessimist, optimist, devotee, or a skeptic... it is undeniable that this moment right now, is.

When you're in your mind, listening to the swarm of thoughts, talking to other people, following a train of thought, or just thinking about the past and future... take a moment, every chance you get, to just return to this moment as it is now.

Dont define, label, categorize, identify... anything... just notice everything. Just notice.

The big idea here is: Simplicity. Stop trying to discover "how" to do it... you cant. You need your mind online to know "how", but the idea is to take your mind offline.

Once you can be in this moment, now, without your mind... you can be anyone and anything, without need for proof at all!

The paradox is that your mind must discover "how" before you can have something...
But the very act of not having it because you dont know "how", IS itself what holds you back...

In short, your mind is usually the problem, not the solution.

So just return to now, mindless... as often as you can, and watch what happens.
You'll be surprised what can happen without "you" needing to do it, or know "how to"...

When you've practiced and mastered this, I believe you've mastered life.