Great quotes to live by...

Below is a list of quotes I have heard through time that really stick with me. I'm looking for author names, so if you recognize these, tell me who wrote them!


"The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."

"I use my memories, but I dont let my memories use me."

"Reality to the subconscious mind is whatever images are impressed upon it." - Bob Proctor

"Before anything in your life can be changed permanently, you've got to change your paradigm."

"Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate." - Carl Jung

"Discomfort is the energy of growth." - Myself

"If you have been so focused on sawing that you haven't noticed the saw needs sharpening, slow yourself down."

"What is an addiction? Not getting enough of what you dont want."

"Losing weight? No way! My mind is programmed to find things I lose. I'm finding healthiness."

...more to come.