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The preliminary discussions have now been covered. Its time to now dive into the heart of what I've discovered about emotional freedom...
Lets dive right in. This part 2 is about clearing up some misconceptions about your relationship with your emotions.
Universal Law #1: You are not your emotions.
Your emotions are separate from your concept of "me". It may seem like "I am angry", but really, its "I am feeling anger".
Allowing yourself to be separate from your emotions is an incredibly liberating process in itself. It gives you the freedom to choose to not be "taken away" by whatever feeling comes up. Instead of being the flag that blows with every gust of wind, you are the sturdy flagpole that withstands any wind or lack thereof.
Just remember, when an emotion comes up, you ultimately have the choice to feel it, respond to it, and/or let it go.
Universal Law #2: You have complete freedom with your emotions.
When you notice an emotion, you have the freedom to do anything with it. You have the choice to use the emotion for a purpose, to feel it as it is, to wallow in it, to use it for motivation, anything! Or, you can decide to not be in conscious control of your emotions, which then lets your subconscious mind react automatically to it, however best fits your subconscious map of reality.
If you are deciding to not approach your emotions consciously, however, you run the dangers of your subconscious mind using the emotion to reinforce your current map of reality in ways your conscious mind wouldn't approve of (if it knew what was really going on).
For example, lets say Bob has an issue with being a "victim". In his subconscious mind, he believes that he is a victim in life. Everything always happens to him, he cant control what happens to him. Life sucks for Bob. So, when someone cuts in line in front of Bob, he has an immediate choice on how to feel. If Bob isn't using his conscious mind to choose (on purpose) how to handle that emotion, his subconscious mind will naturally fill in the gap. So, instead of Bob being able to access the situation consciously, and use his emotion to fuel his words "Hey you, go to the back of the line!", instead, his subconscious mind will access the situation, and use his emotion to fuel his internal dialog "See, I knew it, life sucks. I'm such a victim. I cant help it. This is even more proof."
So you see for Bob, when someone broke in line, he could've used his emotional state to either solve the problem, or to wallow in his depression further.
Anyone that is a human being ALWAYS has a choice, at any moment, how to use their emotions. It just depends on if you are accessing the feeling consciously (on purpose), or subconsciously (avoiding taking control).
Universal Law #3: Emotions can either be Expressed, Suppressed, or Let Go...
Probably the most important section of this entire blog post. Once you have realized that you can let either your conscious or subconscious rule your emotions, this brings choice into your life.
Lets go over the 3 ways to handle your emotions:
- Expression - This is where an emotion is bottling up inside of you. The internal pressure is building up more and more. Your emotion becomes so intense that your clear option is to let it out, physically. Screaming, crying, throwing, hitting, anything that your physical body can do to exert the emotion outwards.
- Suppression - This is where your emotion is either too scary to let out, you are scared of the repercussions if you let it out, you think you are tough enough to bottle it up inside, or whatever. The basic idea here is, you are pushing the emotion deeper down inside of yourself.
- Letting Go - Finally, a sensible approach. Instead of needing to let the emotion out, or to push it down inside yourself... here, whatever you feel is like water on the down of a duck.
To learn more about letting go, and to reach the close of this series, continue to part 3.
The following was discovered from the amazing and wonderful Sedona Method.
If theres anything about the human experience of life that we consider magical, emotions would be the prime candidate. Even though we've discovered through science that all emotions are tied to specific neuro-chemicals firing off in the brain, what makes emotions magical is our experience of the emotions themselves.
This magical aspect of emotions is what makes them more than just the logical understanding that they are caused by neuro-chemicals. Anyone can understand the process of these chemicals firing off, but when your angry, you dont say "My brain is firing off the peptide of anger that is flooding into my cells right now"... no, you say "I'm pissed off!"
This magical aspect of emotions, then, lies somewhere in between the neuro-chemical firing off, and our experience of the emotion through our awareness of life, where the chemicals stop being "mine" and start being "me".
It is precisely this shift between "my emotion" and "me" that causes humans to get caught up/lost in the emotions they feel. Once an emotion shifts from "mine" to "me", you lose your ability to control it.
And this is no good, since it is true that we are completely responsible for our own life.
The "me" thats responsible for and in control of my life, my reality, is free and beyond the experience of emotions.
By finding ones true-self in life, and spending time in that perspective, we find our lives become less stressful, enriched, and free. By being free of our emotions, we free ourselves and those around us from the limits of the mind.
If we are ever going to truly (re)discover the separation between "me" and "my emotions", there is something we must do, for ourselves, for our own life, to make this shift happen.
To discover how to begin this process, read part 2 of this series.
I realize there is alot to read and understand in my last two blog posts. I want to give a very brief summary, to help solidify your understandings.
The main point: Imagination is food for your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind governs your energy. So, pick your imaginations on purpose, and your subconscious mind will begin feeding energy into those imaginations.
So if you imagine yourself happily going to work (instead of dreading it), smiling and feeling alive, all in your imaginations before sleep... your subconscious mind will respond with giving you the energy you need to make that imagination become real.
Very simple.
This post is part 2 of 2.
Please read part 1 before you read this.
We have now established that there is no separation between imagination and reality. To the subconscious mind, there is no difference/they are the same.
Now lets talk about practical application.
I want to begin with, and firmly drive home, the fact that NOW is the only moment that exists. Past and future exist only in the mind, yet this moment, now, exists beyond the mind.
Said another way: The mind only exists when you are using it to think about past and future, otherwise your being nautrally returns to the peaceful present moment.
It is also true that when you are being fully present in the moment, and the mind melts away, all your problems disappear too. There is no story to your problems, no reason for them to be either internally vocalized or heard by you, in the present moment.
This moment now is true liberation from all suffering, all issues, all limitations.
A big question arises: If when I'm present in the moment, my mind is completely silent, then... who is the real "me"?
Good question. Really good question.
Ask yourself this: Who is the one thats watching your life right now?
Who's watching? You? Ahh, yes. The real you.
The real you is the awareness of your life, every single moment. You, as the all-natural, already fully liberated you, are pure awareness, right now.
The one who is present in your body right now, who is aware that your eyeballs are looking at your screen, reading these words...
You are the one that is aware, that you're aware... that you're aware....
Meditation brings awareness of this. It clearly shows the fine line between "me as my mind", and "me as awareness". Infact, some form of meditation is necessary and required for deeper understandings here.
So, this moment now is the only one that exists. And while I am being present in this moment, I am connecting to the "real me", and my mind (which is the source of my suffering) is quiet.
Sounds good. Now what?
If you really want to reap benefits from these concepts (from Part 1 of this blog post), you must actually DO it. This is an area that no theorist or philosopher belongs, because these people like to do everything in their mind.
(To all you folks, realize that this practice requires action, and it infact will shift your identity from your mind, so really its impossible to just theorize about this. This is experience coming from a mind that used to be a theoretician."
What should you be doing? Using your imagination to create your reality. Or, rather, creating your reality.
The "do" part of this means that you should be spending time in your day imagining your life the way you want to. You cannot just "know" that its a good idea to do, but not actually do it. You gotta actually DO IT.
So, decide for yourself right now... right now... when during your day will you spend 5 minutes to let yourself go and daydream about the perfect life? Will you pick the first 5 minutes of the day? Will you pick the last 5 minutes of the day? Will you pick 5 minutes at 2pm? Decide right now, make a final decision, and then remember that you are serious and will actually do it (beyond being able to remember to, because you will remember to if you decide to).
By the way, 5 minutes is a minimum. I actually suggest 5-10 minutes in the beginning, end, and anytime else you wish to, if you are actually serious about getting results.
Once you have begun doing this, and you've done it 21 times, (Not 21 days, or weeks, just 21 times) you'll find that you just naturally find yourself doing it, automatically, and remembering to do it often. Your subconscious will make a habit of it, and will do it in the background.
And last time I checked, the most successful people in life are the ones that have discovered how to make success natural and automatic.
So, do yourself a favor, and decide to do this 21 times. Watch what happens in your life next.
Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.
Imagination and Reality are the same thing.
There is no difference between your imagination of reality, and the "real" reality in front of you. No difference whatsoever.
How do I know this is true? Scientists agree:
A study was done with athletes, they hooked these athletes up to precise monitoring equipment. They asked these athletes to imagine being out on the field, doing what they do. What they found was astonishing: These athletes heart-rates began to increase, they began to perspire, and their muscles began firing off in the same exact pattern as they would if they were out on the field running right now.
Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate an imagination of being out on the field, and physically being out on the field.
So what does this mean? It means your imagination creates your reality.
You are the master of your own reality. You are sitting at the helm, right now, with your body and mind awaiting your command. Your life is what you make it.
Anything you imagine IS real to your subconscious mind. And if its real to your subconscious mind, it becomes part of your map of reality. And if its part of your map of reality, its part of your life.
Why is that important? Because there are limitations in your map of reality, that you unknowingly put there, that are holding you back from your full infinite potential, that you haven't yet recognized is holding you back. This is especially true if you've never purposefully taken control of your map of reality.
You see, your subconscious mind is largely responsible for creating your reality. It does it on "auto mode", in the background, all to make your life easier. If it weren't for the subconscious mind, learning habits would be impossible! Becoming a star athlete would mean you would have to relearn how to play the game every single day.
However, we do have a subconscious mind. It does make life easier by watching our conscious patterns and making them automatic. It is a HUGE help to you as a human being!
But, it can also be your own biggest downfall, if those automations are what you shouldn't be doing anymore. Those automations were created because they helped you attain a desirable outcome in life at the time of creation, but that may have been the case when you were 5. Now that you are 20, 30, 50+ years old, if you haven't yet renegotiated with that automation, it'll continue itself on "auto-play" indefinitely. Thats why some people grow old, harboring the same issues they've had since they were children.
How do you fix those automations then? How do you pick and choose which ones you want to keep and which ones to forget completely?
Simple. Use your imagination as your sculpting tool.
It is because of your imagination that your life (your map of reality) is how it is now. So, use your imagination to make a different new map!
Stop being a victim to your own map of reality. Take control and imagine a better life! You are always creating your reality, whether you know it (consciously), or you dont know it (subconsciously). So, you best be doing it on purpose than on accident.
And you do have that choice. If you believe you dont have that choice, guess what, you are using your imagination to remove your own power from yourself that. Yes, it is possible to use your imagination to cripple yourself. Be careful.
Imagination is the process of reality creation.
The first BIG step in taking full control of your life is, to bridge the gap between imagination and reality. Forget the difference between them, there is none. They are the same thing. When you imagine, you are creating your own reality. There is no "outside" or "more real" reality than your own map of reality, which is created by your imagination.
By believing in a separation between imagination and reality, you are actually imagining that separation. And, by imagining that separation, you are forcing yourself into an infinite loop that will never end, until you finally awaken to the truth of unity between them.
Imagination = Reality
So, in short, accept that imagination and reality as the same thing, and you've already taken the hardest step into the cockpit of your life.
Next, the trick is to take control of your imagination. Step into control, assume control, and begin imagining the life of your dreams. Now.
FORGET all limitations; forget anything that would hold you back, anything (or anyone) that stands in your way. You cannot afford to imagine problems and limitations, because in doing so, you not only prepare for the problem, but you are also creating the problem you need to be ready for! Speaking of an infinite loop...
Heres how to pre-prepare for ANY problem in your life, for the rest of your life: Right now, imagine you are a strong, dynamic, fully able person that can overcome ANY obstacle in your way. You ARE strength, you can and do surmount anything that life throws at you.
Believe this. Dont try or test it, dont experiment with it, believe it right now. If you are having trouble believing in it, then just pretend to. You can at least pretend to know you are strong and able to overcome any obstacle in your life.
Every moment you spend believing, imagining, and/or pretending something, it is becoming more and more real for you. This is a universal, undeniable truth.
Now the real fun can begin.
Begin imagining what your perfect life would be like. THINK about it, what would be happening in your life. SEE yourself inside the mental images and mental movies, see yourself going through the actions, meeting the people, going to the places. FEEL what its like to finally have "it" or "him/her", or being there...
Thinking, seeing, feeling, this all = imagination. The precise combination of these tools is what you use to craft your reality with. Now, here is the glue that holds it all together:
Imagine your reality, the way you want it to be, as if it were already, right now...
This is a VERY important step, without which none of this entire blog post will work at all. It is the glue, the spark, the activator.
Do not imagine your perfect life in "the future". The future never exists. Just like the past doesn't exist anymore. The only moment that EVER exists, is right now.
If you want a million dollars, THINK what its like to have it, SEE yourself having it, giving it away, spending it, etc, and FEEL what its like to finally have it.... ALL, as if you had the million dollars in your hands right now.
Get creative with this. The more creative you are with your imagination, the more detailed your reality will become.
Theres a reason why children daydream... we all come pre-wired to know this truth of life. We've just forgotten the power of imagination through years of not using it, and through belief in separation of imagination and reality.
But no more!
This entire process is a way of life. This is not something you are going to be doing, its who you are becoming that will changing your life.
Every morning when you wake up, remember that this is a brand new day. This day holds infinite potential for you. Your day, your entire life, right now, IS what you are imagining it to be.
If you are using your mind at all (which, if you are into practicing presence/meditation, you'll know its a good idea to turn your mind off frequently), you should at least be filling it with imaginations of how you want life to be, instead of all that "instead" crap.
Choose your thoughts, choose your reality.
And then, at ultimate end, let it all go, and be present in the moment.
So, lets jump straight in. Want to learn a cool technique to help you get huge results with the concepts presented in parts 1 and 2 ? Well sure you do.
[Technique #1: Letting Go]
This is something you can do anytime, yet it particularly helps to do this when you are feeling overcome / out-of-control with your emotions:
Close your eyes (if you cant, keep them open) and see yourself floating up out of your body... floating up further and then turning around to look down upon yourself. See how your body is sitting, and just watch yourself for 10 seconds. Do a count softly, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now drop the image you are looking at, and just exist in the silent void there... no counting, just be. Just be.
When you are ready, come back to your senses.
Those 10+ seconds felt so relaxing, didn't they? You see, thats all it takes to shift your physiological state from out-of-control, to unified peace.
This is what many people call the process of "letting go".
(Oh, and by the way, if you have trouble "seeing" yourself, dont stress about it. If you feel like you are looking at yourself from outside yourself, thats the same thing. Or if you hear something that ensures you of this, thats similar to. However you best imagine.)
You can even do this at stop lights, waiting in line, waiting for someone, when you're bored, even when you're happy.
You will find much success in doing this 21 times. Just 21 times, not 21 days or weeks, just times. If you can repeat it that many times, which is enough to create a subconscious habit, you'll find yourself thinking to do it automatically when you are in the "heat of the moment" lost in emotion. Nifty trick to have.
[Technique #2: Dropping into Alpha (state)]
Want another one? Sure you do. This one works only with your eyes open, and can be done practically anytime, anywhere.
With your eyes open, looking straight ahead comfortably, fix your gaze on something in particular. Keep it there. Now, while doing that, in your peripheral (side of eye) view, notice another object that is in between you and your 1st object. Just notice it along with what you are looking straight at. Next, notice a 3rd object in your view, this one being behind your 1st object, or to the left or right of it. Now, keep these 3 objects in your view, constantly updating your awareness on all 3 at once. If you wish to deepen your results, notice 1 or 2 more objects somewhere in the gaps between your first 3 objects.
Do this for as long as you want to. The longer you do it, the more your problems dissolve away.
This is great to do when you are about to engage yourself in a conversation. It gives your mind a refresher, like a quick reboot on your PC. It speeds you up, clears out your current thoughts, and gives you a clean slate upon which to claim "Me" from.
You can do this practically anytime that your direct focus on 1 object is required, like being in a conversation with a person, operating machinery, or (hopefully) in the middle of driving. But certainly you can do it in your breaks.
And again, 21 repetitions of this will solidify it as a remembered habit. Next time you are about to give a speech, you'll remember you have this technique.
Hopefully both of these techniques serve you well, as you practice and find use for them. Remember, keep it up, and keep practicing them over and over again. After you've done them enough to remember to do them more often, you'll be glad that you started. Trust me.
In my 2.5 month siesta from blogging... life has become more liberating.
Vipassana, "A New Earth", my timeless vacations... powerful teachers they be.
This blog post serves as a landmark. The end of my mind, and the beginning of my life.
"A poor man is also bombarded by opportunity to make money, but he just cant see it because his minds thoughts about poverty are taking priority. He is believing himself into the poverty that he believes is real, beyond his own belief of it." - Andrew Bentley
He is believing himself into the poverty - that he believes is real - beyond his own belief of it.
Universal Truth: Believing is Seeing.
There is a tricky part to this too. If you say you are believing, then you try to "see" if your results are changing yet, you are actually starting to do "seeing is believing", which only creates more of what you've already been getting. To break the cycle, pick a new belief to see new results.
The poor man needs only see the opportunities around him to take them. Once he expands his awareness further, he has found his path to riches.
- Plant the seed.
- Water the seed.
- Help the seed grow.
- Harvest the fruit.
2) Feelings Flood You - The water. Give the seed all the nutrients it needs. Provide it plenty of positive, confident, energetic, and passionate feelings! Your feelings will either energize you to your goal, or counter-force you back into your current failing results. Remember that you can feel anything, without reason. Be happy now. Feel positive about your new idea!
3) Move Your Body - The growth. Taking action is obviously an expectation to get something you want. Particularly when you have planted your idea seed, and watered it with lots of emotion and attention, your body will naturally be propelled into situations where your actions yield you new results! When that inspiration, creativity, energy, motivation, and decision strikes you, go do it, now! Hesitation and procrastination are silent but deadly killers.
4) Getting Results - The harvest. Now your ideas, feelings, and actions have synchronized you fully with your desire, and "it" is finally yours now. But dont stop, this is where you build momentum! The fruit you have now contains essential seeds, plant these and continue the cycle!
5) Repeat - This is where successful people accelerate their success. During the harvesting of results, more seeds are planted, followed with more feelings and actions, and more harvesting will repeat itself. Each cycle spawns new ones endlessly, and exponentially. And the best part is, it keeps getting better, easier, faster, deeper, and more fulfilling, each time you do it!
Once you've begun using this, all of these will seem to magically weave together in the most beautifully elegant way:
- People - You'll start meeting them, and they will seek you out too!
- Tools - Physical and mental, what you'll need to use will be provided.
- Energy - Its better than redbull, its infinite, and its yours.
- Ideas - Thoughts, creations, epiphanies, and deeper connections with 'infinite'
- Visuality - The blur in your life starts focusing into a sharp high-definition image.
- Perspectives - New and different views, paradigm shifts, will flood your awareness.
- Time - Everything becomes timeless, and time itself becomes simply a social tool.
- Things - Your focus and awareness on 'things' will magnetize them into your reality.
- Feelings - Your entire body will be flooded with wholistic fulfillment, euphoria and ecstasy.
- Actions - Everything you do will weave together so congruently, like art.
- Wisdom = Knowledge + Experience. In the aftermath of everything, this is the minds expression of itself.
I just recently posted here on my blog about The Right Way to Achieve Anything. (Go read it now and come back!)
In this blog though, I'm going to discuss some of the Wrong Ways to Do Anything.
Its useful to know the wrong way too, so that when you do it, you can catch it, flag it, and eliminate it. If you dont know that "its" wrong, you might keep on doing "it"...
1) Results -> Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions -> Results (again)
I like to call this the common man's failure. This is what the largest percentage of the population does. These people allow the appearance of things to control their thoughts; hence Results being the starting point.
Bob is meeting new women, and one laughs at him. Bob sees his results as "she's laughing at me". This realization sparks his thoughts about "how" he messed up, and "what" he did wrong, etc. These thoughts are flaring up feelings inside himself, like low self-esteem, low confidence, fear, etc. Now that his thoughts and feelings are swarming around his "negative" results, action is next. He says something else, this time even more incapacitated than before, and makes a bigger fool of himself. Now he has even more reason to feel like an idiot, and so he does. The cycle continues.
Everyone executes this cycle in some way or another! The problem is, its a self-fulfilling prophecy. This means that any results you ever get WILL ALWAYS BE CORRECT. If the results were wrong, you wouldn't be using this method. Thus the endlessness of this cycle.
There is no doubt about it, this is the most common way we all fail at anything we do. If you can become ultra-aware of yourself doing this one, like a hawk, I guarantee that your expansion of awareness alone will bring you astounding results.
This one is interesting, I like to call it your average "addiction". Your starting point is a feeling.
Lets take Bob again, he enjoys drinking alcohol. His "starting point" at a certain moment might be his feeling of wanting to drink a beer. Since a feeling is his starting point, if he just acts instead of critically thinking first, he'll go get a beer. His results are then having that beer, and drinking it. This in turn will affect his thinking, perhaps thinking "man, beer is awesome.", which then spark his feelings about how awesome the beer is, which may even make him get up to go get another. If left unaltered, this cycle can lead to horrible physical and emotional addictions.
While I'm at it though, I'd like to mention a cycle that I've found to be an "alternative" to the main right-way I posted earlier on.
3) Actions -> Results -> Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions (again)
I like to call this one the "accidental" discoverer. Actions come first, all else follows.
Take Jason for example. Jason has been taught to always go for it and get his hands into what he's doing. If given a choice of passively and actively learning, he will always choose active. One day, Jason is with a woman, and he does something in the spur of the moment. He notices his result is that the woman laughs and is intrigued. This next step can actually be either/or, he'll either think about it and internalize it, then feel about it; or he'll feel good about it, and then think about it later. Either path will bring him forward with new mental knowledge and gut understanding (feeling), and when presented with a new situation, his actions can replicate his success.
This is much better than the wrong-ways, but its not quite the best way. Here, you are normally working with surface-level resources, seemingly at-random results, and overall you're fumbling into success.
What mind tool am I talking about? Visualization
Why is it so powerful? Because it shapes our reality around us. Literally.
Remember back when you were in grade-school, around 5, 6, 7 years old. You would sit in class, listening to the teacher, and eventually your mind would start to wander off. Fantasizing about that new bike, or the new barbie doll, or jumping on the trampoline, or anything you wanted to be doing.
If/when you got caught, your teachers scolded you and told you "Pay attention! Stop daydreaming!"...they were so wrong... Daydreaming is one of the most amazing things that you can do. I'm not exaggerating either. Its great for children, its even better for adults...
But its been so many years since then, most of us are out of practice. How can start doing it again? Even more, why should we?
And when two things are vibrating at the same frequency, they sync up. Like magnets.
Does this sound too esoteric or airy-fairy to you? If so, look at it this way...
- The poor man in our world speaks most about poverty.
- And the rich men in our world speak most about riches.
- It is no coincidence that poor people dont become rich.
- Because they dont know how to become rich.
- Even more, they never visualize riches. Or if they do, its counteracted with visuals of a poor house and empty bank accounts.
- Everything in these peoples lives are there because of their visualizations, emotions, and allowance of surrounding proof to continue manifesting the same into their daily lives...
Think of visualization as a vibration-creator. Any mental-image you view, repeatedly over time, will sync you up with its physical manifestation. Think about coffee, I bet you'll have coffee very soon. Think about the opposite sex, you'll run into it soon. Think about money, watch as the abundant sea of money crashes its waves upon your beach.
Another example: Many sport athletes trainings consists of hardcore visualization techniques. They've hooked athletes up to a machine to monitor heart-rate, etc. They told him to imagine, in his mind, as if he was on the playing field, running with the ball.
Sure enough, his heart started racing and his palms started sweating. His whole body started responding, even muscles started firing off in the same sequence they would while really playing. Researchers realized something breakthrough about this connection...
The unconscious mind cant tell the difference between imagination and reality.
Why is it difficult to believe, when you are suddenly awoken startled, that your dreams really aren't real?
This is magnificent though! Because... we are in control of our minds. Hey you reading this, right now think of a black cat....... What just happened? Now, DONT THINK of a black cat. No really, dont.... Stop!
So, we can visualize anything at any moment. What kind of refrigerator do you have? Does it open to the left or to the right? Top and bottom or side-doors? Whats inside? See, as you think about this, you are visualizing your fridge. I bet you can even see the vague shape of everything you think is in there, the colors, even the sounds opening it, and the smells inside too. You might even feel a little hungry when you see it open up.
This, my friend, is the power of visualization.
We can visualize something, anything... and we then become synced with that frequency (keep visualizing), which brings it into your awareness both mentally and physically... then imagine what you could do with this power.
Its like... you're in a dream. And at any moment you want something, you have it. Snap! Its yours. Except, when your awake, when you think about something, that idea is a seed, and theres a gestation period. As you continue watering it with attention and awareness (visualizing that image constantly), it grows into a large and powerful tree. A redwood even, as you keep watering it.
I have years of experience with this, and I didn't even know it. Beyond any doubt at all I definitely know this works. I have well enough experienced-proof to believe in this, and it takes alot for me to believe something. I have some techniques that will let visualization prove itself though...
Technique #1: Daydreaming about your fantasy life.
- Just take a moment... this is your moment.
- Pick something to visualize, like something you should do later tonight, or tomorrow.
- Something simple, perhaps something thats not at the top of your todo list.
- Now, go into daydream mode.
- See yourself doing that task.
- You possess all the paints, colors, and brushes to use, so make it exactly the way you want to.
- Paint it positive, with bright colors, happy faces, whatever you want.
- You are literally DOING that thing in your head right now.
- Now, while you are visualizing...
- Feel what its like to be doing it, be creative with this.
- Feel excited!
- Feel productive!
- Feel immersed!
- What do you want to feel when your doing/done with it? Feel that.
- And... when your done, come back to the real world.
Technique #2: At night, before you go to bed, visualize your next day. (This one is so powerful)
- Think about the things you must, or want, to do the next day.
- See yourself doing those things.
- Get specific, but keep yourself open to new things.
- Feel what its like to do and accomplish these tasks.
- Remember, what you see and how you feel will be the pieces used to create the actual events in your life, so imagine how you really want the results to be.
This technique alone can literally change your life. You might be thinking "yea right..." but just try it, you cant not get results doing this.
This is where most people slip up and are completely blind to a critical counter-intuitive point in life.
Dont try to prove any of this to be true, at least by the standards of person-to-person communication. It'll prove itself to you naturally through experience, but proving it to others is like... just go try it yourself and find out the difficulty.
Its impossible to find the proof when you are looking for it. Why? Lets say you are poor, and you are visualizing being rich! Then, when you're done, you look around and see the proof of poverty literally surrounding you. Just being aware of this itself will counteract all vibrational training you did on riches. Cuz you remember you're actually poor. :(
This is most certainly where the saying "Believing is seeing" proves itself. Thats right, its not "Seeing is believing" at all.
Visualizations work only as well as your belief in them. This is not just hope and faith, but a true knowing that YOUR belief in it literally IS the catalyst, the determining factor, the key, to your success. Without belief, the candle will burn out instantly.
If you want $50,000, visualize it! When you're not visualizing, just imagine this reality as only a residual effect of an old dream that you are waking up from more and more. If you notice you dont have $50,000, just think about having it again. Keep yourself on that money like you actually had it. Thats all that matters. Forget any proof of any lack.
If you are a natural doubter, thats "ok". It'll just take you alot longer to see results, and you might even completely deny and doubt any shreds of proof that come seeping through the cracks.
Just try completely believing in it. Believe in it 100% for at least a couple of weeks. At the end if you dont see any amazing results, stop believing. Haha but that wont happen...
I'll wrap this up with an example of one of my visualizations. Take note of my process, and try using this to enhance your own process!
- I'm visualizing getting a place to live.
- I see myself talking to some people.
- Shaking hands, smiling, feeling good.
- I see myself looking around at new apartments.
- Seeing big open rooms, saying "hmm, yes yes..."
- Looking at the person I'm with and agreeing.
- Sitting down and writing my finances out.
- Seeing that its all going to work out perfectly!
- And feeling excited! Jumping for joy, literally.
- I see myself moving my stuff from here into my new place.
- Getting everything settled.
- Throwing a new-apartment party.
- Sitting in my chair, reflecting back on everything.
- Feeling relieved, and relaxed, and so happy.
- ...and when I'm ready, I return my awareness back to "now".
- As my day continues, I keep repeating that final frame, the very end goal, over and over.
I'm interested in discovering, what does each person define as success?
By the way, when I say success, I refer to the necessary proof for happiness to exist.
I've talked to business people, engineers, philosophers, lots of different types. And each response is different. I've noticed some interesting patterns...
For instance, business folk tend to say that success is making alot of money. It may also be starting up a business or getting a great job. It could be learning enough to be great at what you do. Generally, their sense of happiness and achievement comes, you guessed it, business.
Engineers find their success in the creation of a great new device, or structure, or organization, generally, when something has reached completion with time and focus, the feeling of achievement is success.
Philosophers have the most interesting responses. Here is what philosophers say success is...
- Discovering the ultimate answers in life.
- Understanding the minds of those before them.
- Achieved by helping to change the thoughts of all naive people.
- Eliminating our own naivity.
- Well, there is no goal to achieve, you cant believe you've achieved it because your senses can fool you.
- An effect of something you dont control, therefore happiness has no grounds to exist.
- Just to name a few. There are some confusingly unfathomable entangled answers I've heard.
They all might be right, but does knowing what success is make them successful? No.
Infact, most people I talk to aren't happy and successful, by their very own defintions. Why is that?
You know what I think it is...
By a raise of hands, who here can just be happy? Without a reason at all. Just be happy, right now, let it flood your body and permiate your surroundings. Open up and expand yourself into happiess, feeling joy and warmth from within your chest, feeling a buzzing radiating outwards in every direction. You know, being happy.
Wait, you did know you can do that at any moment, without needing a reason first... you just forgot you knew. But you remember now.
So, even though you may know what success is, and what to be/do/have/know to be successful... Be sure to spend right now, as often as possible, just being happy, without reason.
You'll find more happiness in your life. And it came from right there, inside yourself...
This metaphor for life really stuck with me.
A Professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
So the Professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The Professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "Yes."
The Professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the Professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else - the small stuff."
"If you put the sand into the jar first", he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
When he had finished, there was a profound silence. Then one of the students raised her hand and with a puzzled expression, inquired what the beer represented.
The Professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers."
In a previous blog post, I talked about Awareness and Energy. Quite honestly, I'm working on coming up with a better name for each of these. Here is what they basically mean.
The Awareness / Masculinity - A man is removed from his mind, and is simply being aware.
The Energy / Femininity - A woman is unlocked, open, and being radiant with energy.
So what about men that have a developed feminine side, and women with a masculine side?
The Anima - The inner feminine side that all men have.
The Animus - The inner masculine side that all women have.
You might think of a mommas boy having a developed Anima, and you might think of a business woman having a developed Animus.
Theres nothing wrong with a woman running a business, or a boy wanting shelter from his mother... but it is unhealthy if these individuals are opposing their own core energy.
For instance, a woman that is very core feminine, but learns via her very business-oriented father how to grow up as a business lady, is going to experience from very uncomfortable pains and sufferings in her life. Seriously, what woman that is a better man than most men she meets is going to be happy? No matter how much money she makes.
Or the boy-man who is still living at home, letting his mother take care of him and protect him. This boy-man probably learned alot of masculinity from his mother, she may have been a fix-it-up lady, or took care of the checkbook, or in someway provided this boy-man more masculine teachings than his father did. If he had a real father at all.
Like I said, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with either of these scenarios. But I bet you neither person feels healthy. Both of them will feel like there is a big hole in their being.
Why is this though? It boils down to discovering your own core-energy, your born role in this world.
- If you were born as a straight male, you almost definitely have a masculine core that needs a masculine father AND a feminine mother to help you develop into an adult MAN. Full fledged.
- If you were born as a gay male, or later discovered you find men attractive, you might have a feminine core in a mans body, which mens you will look for other men that supply energy opposite of you. If you are the butch, you'll look for a submissive partner.
- If you were born as a straight woman, you almost definitely have a feminine core that needs a feminine mother AND a masculine father to help you open up to your infinite potential for love and depth.
- If you were born as a lesbian woman, or later discover you find women attractive
The pattern I have noticed is, as men and women grow up into adulthood, they magnify their childhood learnings.
If a man learns alot of masculine things from his mother, and not enough from/with his father, he can still have a masculine core but he will have a very deep connection with the feminine as he grows up, which almost definitely cause him grief in connecting with women, because full-feminine women are looking for the opposing masculine. This guy will tend to mate with women that have a developed masculine side, like his mother, and like the opposite of his own energy. Girl-guy fits with Guy-girl.
I want to reemphasize, there is nothing "wrong" with being a man with a developed feminine side, or a woman with a developed masculine side. If you dont have a partner, you literally CRAVE the opposite energy-role, and will do anything it takes to get it, whether it comes from outside of you, or from within yourself.
As soon as you really are ready for a truly enlightened experience of life, full of love, trust, happiness, and deep connection, you'll stop depending on yourself for both energies, because you will be with your partner that supplies you with the energy set you crave.
When two energy-roles, masculine man and feminine woman, come together, each person can be 100% of the energy they are giving to the other person. This makes for a great relationship, and a great live.
So, what energy-role are you at your core? Develop on that to find the secrets to a happy life.
Below is a list of quotes I have heard through time that really stick with me. I'm looking for author names, so if you recognize these, tell me who wrote them!
"The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
"I use my memories, but I dont let my memories use me."
"Reality to the subconscious mind is whatever images are impressed upon it." - Bob Proctor
"Before anything in your life can be changed permanently, you've got to change your paradigm."
"Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate." - Carl Jung
"Discomfort is the energy of growth." - Myself
"If you have been so focused on sawing that you haven't noticed the saw needs sharpening, slow yourself down."
"What is an addiction? Not getting enough of what you dont want."
"Losing weight? No way! My mind is programmed to find things I lose. I'm finding healthiness."
...more to come.
To have anything in life... you must first ask the right questions.
Asking yourself any question over and over and over again will always get you a reciprocal answer. Ask a negative question, get a negative answer. Ask a positive one, get positive results.
Asking "Why am I so fat?" yields...
- Because I eat so much.
- Because I never work out.
- Because I am undisciplined.
- Because I just cant lose weight.
- Because being fat isn't bad enough to make me change right now.
- And so on...
Asking "How can I become skinny?" yields...
- By eating healthier and in less portion.
- By going to the gym and setting a consistent workout plan.
- By making friends that help support and encourage me throughout the skinny-gain process.
- By allotting the amount of money aside that I need to fully achieve my skinny goal.
- By dedicating the time and energy I must spend to obtain a healthy body.
- By having the undying passion and desire to become skinny, which keeps me on the goal.
- And so on...
A few guidelines to help dodge some common hurdles:
#1 Its OK if you don't have all the answers right now. By asking, you are taking part in a long-term practice that acts as a fountain for the answers you are seeking. Give it time to pick up momentum.
#2 Have what it is you want, right now. If you had what you want already, right now, what would happen next? Daydream about it often! What if I had it already, what would I do??
#3 Ask yourself the right questions constantly, and stop asking the wrong questions completely. This is the way of making habits, stop doing something that doesn't work, and replace it with something that does work. Simple.
#4 Most importantly, be open and ready for the new answers. And be ok with letting go of your old habits and beliefs, so that you really can FULLY integrate the new positive changes.
Soon, or now...
(depending on how ready you are)
You'll begin receiving answers in many different forms. If you haven't trained your 'answer receptors' in a while, you'll probably go without noticing anything for a while... even when its all still happening, just beyond your threshold of awareness. You can thank your subconscious mind for the concept of filters.
And after you thank it, welcome those filters to leave. Its ok right now. Say goodbye to your filters, because the process of growth IS about removing old filters.
All of a sudden, you start noticing and picking up on new patterns that now you just 'get'.
Metaphor to help explain:
Consider this situation... Bob is talking to a female. While he is talking, she is becoming frustrated with him. His unconscious filters are so weakly developed that he cant even notice that she isn't interested in what he is saying. Bob is just talking talking talking, as she gets more frustrated.
Also consider that Bob has noticed a new perspective, probably from a friend shining a new view on his situation. Bob notices his filter, he just doesn't pay her any attention really. He lets that go, and with the new empty space, creates a new habit of paying-more-attention-always.
Bob is talking to a new female. As he talks, he notices she is acting differently all of a sudden. He may even notice her turning her body away slightly, or crossing her legs, or taking deeper breaths... Bob stops himself, and asks her "so whats up?", and watches as her entire posture changes.
Bob has now internalized a new filter.
Psychological perspective of "why":
His filter could've been something like, "Everyone finds me really interesting", or "Everyone always loves listening to me", or even "I'm the most important person, always."
A person can be so completely unaware that they believe something, until a moment of epiphany is sparked by a friend or book that shares a new point-of-view. These kinds of beliefs are usually internalized at a childhood stage in life. Because the belief is never challenged, and is held so deeply to be true, it continues to exist on your map-of-reality into the future. This is what most people call "Thats just who I am." or "Thats in my nature."
And when you age into adulthood, you find that thinking "I'm more important than you" is not such an "OK" thing to believe, if you want friends. There are lots of beliefs we all still have that aren't quite worth keeping anymore.
Back on the main track:
Questioning can be the spark of a new point-of-view, or perspective, into a situation.
Bob is talking to the female, and he asks himself at any moment "Is she listening to me right now?", instead of "What am I going to say next?"
I think you can now see how differently his life can become because of one simple shift in his actions.
Apply this metaphor into any area of life. What are you thinking and asking, around anything?
Here are a few things to start asking yourself new questions about:
- What your goals in life are.
- What you want to do for lunch.
- Money.
- The women, or men, in your life.
- How to be a better questioner.
- How you can better become a better person in life.
Remember in the beginning, I mentioned this was a long-term practice. Once you start asking better questions, and getting better answers, you'll begin to fathom the next-level-up questions/answers. You'll then need to reform your questions again and again to get the best results possible.
#5 Dont expect the first, second, or third sets of answers to be THE final answers. You'll find that certain answers work better for certain situations, and rephrasing the question can achieve totally different results.
The evolution of the question-stream:
(may go something like this)
- Why do I feel so crappy?
- Why am I so fat?
- Why is it so hard to be thin?
- Why would I want to be thin?
- So, what should I stop doing to stop being fat?
- Wait, what do I do to become thin?
- Where can I go to workout?
- Who must I get to know to stay thin?
- What are all the ways that I can become most optimally healthy?
This is just the beginning, of one single question-stream. You'll have multiples going on constantly around all the topics of your life.
This evolving questioning process IS growth itself.
Embrace it, it will be your friend for the rest of your life.
Right now... is the only moment that exists.
Whether you are...
- Being present to all your senses, enjoying the sights, sounds, and feelings...
- Or you are in your mind, noticing your thoughts, following a train of thought, having ideas, talking to someone, believing in your story of past and future...
Whether you are a scientist, theologian, new-ager, atheist, pessimist, optimist, devotee, or a skeptic... it is undeniable that this moment right now, is.
When you're in your mind, listening to the swarm of thoughts, talking to other people, following a train of thought, or just thinking about the past and future... take a moment, every chance you get, to just return to this moment as it is now.
Dont define, label, categorize, identify... anything... just notice everything. Just notice.
The big idea here is: Simplicity. Stop trying to discover "how" to do it... you cant. You need your mind online to know "how", but the idea is to take your mind offline.
Once you can be in this moment, now, without your mind... you can be anyone and anything, without need for proof at all!
The paradox is that your mind must discover "how" before you can have something...
But the very act of not having it because you dont know "how", IS itself what holds you back...
In short, your mind is usually the problem, not the solution.
So just return to now, mindless... as often as you can, and watch what happens.
You'll be surprised what can happen without "you" needing to do it, or know "how to"...
When you've practiced and mastered this, I believe you've mastered life.
Below is a list of concepts and ideas that I would like to eventually blog about here. I have put links on the concepts that I have already blogged about:
- Being a Man, relating to Women.
- What awareness is / the function of it.
- The structure of language, how rearranging words creates new meanings.
- "He" instead of "Me" when referencing the old me.
- Now, compared to past and future.
- The true nature of emotion (biochemical, mental created, etc)
- The ego (not necessarily freuds definition).
- Who am I / Identity of my 'self'.
- What is it to 'know' something, how do you learn best, whats the problem with knowing and learning, etc.
- What is intuition, its purpose, etc.
- Energy flow between people.
- Brainwaves - training, sharing, etc.
- The nature of reality and our minds connection to it.
- Seeing is believing, or believing is seeing.
- Death, dying, and the beyond. (Living/ego death, and ultimate/body death).
- Solitude and its function of health on a being.
- The nature of discipline, motivation, and persistence.
- Goal setting, why its so important to the human.
- What it is to 'be' human. (Abortion threshold, euthanasia threshold, retarded threshold, etc).
- Finding your deepest gift in life.
- Chaos, what is it and how is it functional.
- Mental health, how one person can commit suicide and another can feel on top of the world.
- Sleep and dreaming / lucid dreaming / controlling inner reality.
- Evolution - physically, mentally, spiritually.
- Creativity, ideas - what are they, where do they come from, anything.
- Technology and its effects on the evolution of human.
- The function of beliefs in the human mind.
- The function of habits in the human mind.
- If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? And such.
- The philosophy of time and space, a fabric of existence or simply a gauge of comparison, etc?
- Science vs. religion. The pros and cons of both, and why neither alone is enough.
- Perhaps what could be beyond, or the evolution, of science and religion (as separate entities into one unified one, maybe).
- The realization of the most universal truths being the most simple ones.
- The mind as a perceiver being like colored lenses, seeing a red painting with blue lenses shows a purple painting.
- Metaphors and their wonderful ability to portray a message better than anything else.
- Subjective reality vs. objective reality, and perhaps where they converge.
- Can someone know something to be true without having proof or words to support it?
- And does having words for something directly prove that truth has been obtained?
- Philosophy of organization - does having the ability to organize your life physically mean your mental state is organized, or at least can fathom a system to use?
- Structures of complex systems, and their true purpose in life.
- Education and its function on the development of human. Perhaps also in comparison to animals.
- The function of war, peace, and justice on society and humans.
- The concept and function of society itself. How does society change, what purpose does it really serve, etc?
- Government and its function, similarly.
- Basic human rights, what are they, what should they be, etc.
- The inseparable connection of the mind to the body. And the philosophy of our own unity, yet we have 2 halves of a body and mind that criss-cross...
- Memory and everything about it.
- The conscious mind vs. the subconscious mind.
- The nature and types of communication.
- The power of emotions, such as love and happiness or anger and sadness, in the life of a human.
- Money, the true function, purpose, and everything about it.
- What is confusion really?
- The vien-diagram of the comfort zone, extreme chaos, and the necessity of 'the edge' in growth.
- Biochemical perspective on the human mind and its own functions.
- Addiction, dependency, and such.
- The immense purpose and function of gaining new perspectives on things in life.
- The effects and realizations from trying psychedelic & hallucinogenic drugs, and also out-of-body-and-mind experiences.
- "The zone" (like in running), everything about it.
- Map of reality - its function, process of development, anything.
- The function that writing has on the mind.
- The effect that language has on the mind.
- Child psychology - the early development years that make an adult who he is. And, how an adult can change his past to make himself anything.
- The difference between indifference and being unattached.
- Visualization, and its impact on a persons life.
All of a sudden! You are pushed to the edge of a mountain cliff...
Looking back, you see and hear an enormous gust of wind heading this way!!
You look over the edge of the cliff, its miles and miles and miles and miles down...
And now everything around you is getting dark... so very dark.
You cant even see anything!
Inside yourself you feel explosions of everything you really dont want to be feeling right now.
You are walking the fine blade of the edge... and it is scarier than anything you've ever experienced.
You can wait for the wind to blow you potential death...
Or you could jump the cliff and find where it goes...
You could also close your eyes and hope it all disappears...
Maybe even begin screaming at the wind to make it stop...
But whatever you actually do, you know this place is about to disappear...
You stare off into oblivion for what feels like an eternity inside a moment... each moment.
Suddenly your whole body is flooded with a sense of calm, peace, safety, and belonging.
Its like someone just gave you a million dollars.
Or like you died and cleansed into a new birth.
You have a really intense, deep feeling that something inside you has changed structurally.
Its like you opened your eyes during a brisk nap on a warm, sunny day at the park...
And now your ready to experience life to the fullest!
Its alot like the yin-yang symbol.
White is Masculine/Awareness.
Black is Feminine/Energy.
Each half has a dot of the other inside it.
Situation A - This man is always trying to figure out "why" a woman is feeling a certain way, he is using logic and reason to help change her mood.
Women want their man to unlock them
Solution - She wants to fully open herself to what she is feeling now, while feeling safety and trust in the man she is with. Even if she "takes it out" on him, he is strong through it all. So, dont try to "figure out" your woman, just let her be, and be ok with that.
Situation B - This man is trying to get his woman to grow through challenging her constantly. "You need to go to the gym honey" seems helpful to a man, but not a woman.
Problem - Women dont grow through challenge, they resent challenge. They grow through praise, always.
Solution - Stop challenging her, start praising her. Tell her "I love your gorgeous curves!" and that praise will be the energy she needs to become more gorgeous and curvy for you.
Situation C - This man is always trying to get his woman to "lay off", to stop being crazy and tough to handle.
Whats going on? - Women *are* a test to men. Women need to feel complete trust, freedom, and depth in their man, so that they can fully open themselves up. So, to determine her level of openness, she tests you constantly, never ending.
Problem - If women didn't test men, men would become sloppy, lazy, and mushy.
Solution - Just accept right now that she will never stop testing you. You must simply become stronger so that you can handle her tests, upon which her tests will become more challenging. You will never rest, and thats great. Accept her fully, even when shes ranting and bitching at you.
Situation D - This man tries to bring up a past "track record" of success when he fails, to take the edge off the failure itself.
Problem - But women dont care about your past and future, as much as they care about how REAL right now really is. And if you messed up, your past success doesn't really matter.
Solution - Just accept that you messed up, you failed. Then, commit to the solution that will help that failure to never happen again. This trust will help her to move on much more smoothly.
Situation E - This man realizes that sometimes woman can seem feral and unpredictable, even dangerous.
Just stick it out with her man. Do it because you are good at it. Even if you dont believe you are, believe it walking in and watch what happens.
Situation F - This man expects his woman to be completely obedient and dedicated to him, but its not ok for her to look at or be with any other guys, period.
Problem - This is sourced in that mans insecurity with not feeling like he is 'enough' for his woman. He is afraid that if she's looking around her, she'll find someone better.
Solution - The man must trust in himself, being confident that she will come to him for her real needs and desires in life. Giving her space to do what she wants lets her feel free, and actually *want* to come to you, instead of being forced to.
Situation G - This man has a problem with a woman saying she will do something, and then she backs out later because she doesn't feel like it.
Whats going on? - A woman's "now" moment is the most real thing she knows or experiences. If she is laughing now, her crying 10 minutes ago means nothing now. When she committed yesterday, she feels different today, and she will not do something she doesn't feel (unless forced).
Solution - Dont expect your woman to definitely commit to anything, doing so is making her be a man. Also, craft your plans so that if she does back out, you'll still be ok and ready to continue with the plan yourself.
Situation I - This man wants his woman to be able to take care of herself, physically and emotionally.
Whats going on? - Women by nature are fragile and soft. They must develop their own masculine side to be strong and safe in life, alone. This is why they want to find a man who can take care of them, so they can fully focus on opening themselves up, with safety guaranteed.
Solution - Be the decision maker, take care of everything, be honest and trustworthy, let her focus on being female. You will definitely receive back.
Situation J - This man encounters trouble with hearing his woman talk and talk about confusing and elaborate things that he is getting lost in.
And he wants her to just get to the point already...
And she just wants him to listen and let her flow doing what she does best and enjoying it elegantly so.
Let me tell you, if you find it curious and fun to listen to women like I do, you'll know why its worth it to be present with your woman at all. times.
Its cool man, just allow her to be as complex as she wants to be, and when she stops, have the "and then what happened?" attitude, because you really are curious.
And watch what happens in the connection between you and that woman.
Every so often as I'm hiking through the wilderness of my life, I happen upon a mountaintop vista, overseeing miles and miles of expansive areas that lay behind me in life and that lay ahead of me in life. The fullness of this view is so vivid that I stop to write anything I can from this perspective, for reflection and release, before hiking up further.
This blog post is from my current perspective.
6 months ago there was a spark in my life that began me up a spiral of the most pre-unfathomable growth I have ever now experienced.
I go through "cycles" in my growth, phases if you will, on my way up. I repeat a set of about 5-7 phases throughout my weeks of living life. Recently, my cycles have been morphing drastically.
The below list describes my perspective when I'm in a 'different' phase of my growth cycle:
- Feelings of confusion & being lost.
- Slowly feeling less confusion as the dust settles.
- Coherent understandings slowly start appearing.
- A sense of base-grip on whats occurring.
- New transformative perspectives on X, Y, & Z in my life now.
- Breakthrough metaphorical explanations of my experiences in life.
- A wholistic and complete feeling, and living life in full release.
Also, there are some less frequent entries of certain phases I go through during a full cycle. Note, each one of these normally comes at the #8 position of the cycle, or whatever is last if any base phases aren't present.
- (every 2-5 full cycles) A deep pocket of motivation wells up and I take brute force control of my life for a while.
- (every 4-6 full cycles) A big whammy of a day comes at me, stacked high with challenge in every way shape and form.
- (every 5 cycles) I feel such an intense sense of happiness and belonging that I would be ok with dieing right now.
Whats interesting is... I used to have a stage in the cycle, between #1 and #2, that was attributed with intense resistance, stress, struggle, and pain.
But not anymore... After 3 years of repeating this cycle over and over, somewhere about 6 months ago that phase just started dissolving away. And now its so far gone that I experience that phase perhaps every 10-15 cycles in small intensity.
Good news to me, now I can focus all my attention on repeating the cycle more and more, without debilitating pain, to finally reach my deepest truth in life.
That day 6 months ago, I had a breakthrough... I was in the resistance stage of that cycle... except this time it was so intense, my entire being was overwhelmed to such an extent, it was life or death...
And death occurred... the biggest, most complex, most 'me' part of me died that day.
My mind.
It died as the sole definition of "me".
And it was born again as a tool for the real me to use.
Ever since then... I've been experiencing such radical, profound, intense, transcendental, enlightening experiences... that I couldn't even fathom with my mind before that death.
Below is a list of the most notable experiences that I've had recently:
- Realization of my own deep masculine core.
- Deeper awareness of my own awareness and self identity.
- New and deeply profound perspectives on everything.
- Discovery and intense enjoyment of my 'edge' in life.
- Confidence that is unshakable and true.
- Motivation and determination that are unstoppable.
- Such intense presence in any moment that I literally feel I could die happy right now.
- Evolution of my social connections with both genders.
- Realizations and removals of limitations I was previously blind to.
- Energy that keeps me going for hours upon hors of exertion.
- Muscle growth through the roof.
- Metaphorical flow that so very well describes anything I want to share.
- Huge increase of people coming to me for perspective.
- Detailed visions and creative ideas.
- Intense emotional explosions, leading to release.
- More expansive understandings of life.
- More lively social connections with people.
- Liberation of any limitation I become aware of.
- Playful attractiveness with lots of women.
- Resilience to any intense chaos that comes at me.
- Confidently powerful with my guy and girl friends.
- Evolved in my organization and mental placement of thoughts.
- Improved messages spoken by inner voices (self).
- Completely appreciative of everything I ever get and have.
- Laser-sharp focus on anything requiring it.
- Deep relaxation of future, knowing it will definitely work out.
These are all just to name a few. There are still going to be some things that I cannot express with words, even this list itself is simply to offer an objective rough draft to you of my current experiences.
But really, this is all a very complicated way of saying something very simple:
I am growing.