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The preliminary discussions have now been covered. Its time to now dive into the heart of what I've discovered about emotional freedom...
Lets dive right in. This part 2 is about clearing up some misconceptions about your relationship with your emotions.
Universal Law #1: You are not your emotions.
Your emotions are separate from your concept of "me". It may seem like "I am angry", but really, its "I am feeling anger".
Allowing yourself to be separate from your emotions is an incredibly liberating process in itself. It gives you the freedom to choose to not be "taken away" by whatever feeling comes up. Instead of being the flag that blows with every gust of wind, you are the sturdy flagpole that withstands any wind or lack thereof.
Just remember, when an emotion comes up, you ultimately have the choice to feel it, respond to it, and/or let it go.
Universal Law #2: You have complete freedom with your emotions.
When you notice an emotion, you have the freedom to do anything with it. You have the choice to use the emotion for a purpose, to feel it as it is, to wallow in it, to use it for motivation, anything! Or, you can decide to not be in conscious control of your emotions, which then lets your subconscious mind react automatically to it, however best fits your subconscious map of reality.
If you are deciding to not approach your emotions consciously, however, you run the dangers of your subconscious mind using the emotion to reinforce your current map of reality in ways your conscious mind wouldn't approve of (if it knew what was really going on).
For example, lets say Bob has an issue with being a "victim". In his subconscious mind, he believes that he is a victim in life. Everything always happens to him, he cant control what happens to him. Life sucks for Bob. So, when someone cuts in line in front of Bob, he has an immediate choice on how to feel. If Bob isn't using his conscious mind to choose (on purpose) how to handle that emotion, his subconscious mind will naturally fill in the gap. So, instead of Bob being able to access the situation consciously, and use his emotion to fuel his words "Hey you, go to the back of the line!", instead, his subconscious mind will access the situation, and use his emotion to fuel his internal dialog "See, I knew it, life sucks. I'm such a victim. I cant help it. This is even more proof."
So you see for Bob, when someone broke in line, he could've used his emotional state to either solve the problem, or to wallow in his depression further.
Anyone that is a human being ALWAYS has a choice, at any moment, how to use their emotions. It just depends on if you are accessing the feeling consciously (on purpose), or subconsciously (avoiding taking control).
Universal Law #3: Emotions can either be Expressed, Suppressed, or Let Go...
Probably the most important section of this entire blog post. Once you have realized that you can let either your conscious or subconscious rule your emotions, this brings choice into your life.
Lets go over the 3 ways to handle your emotions:
- Expression - This is where an emotion is bottling up inside of you. The internal pressure is building up more and more. Your emotion becomes so intense that your clear option is to let it out, physically. Screaming, crying, throwing, hitting, anything that your physical body can do to exert the emotion outwards.
- Suppression - This is where your emotion is either too scary to let out, you are scared of the repercussions if you let it out, you think you are tough enough to bottle it up inside, or whatever. The basic idea here is, you are pushing the emotion deeper down inside of yourself.
- Letting Go - Finally, a sensible approach. Instead of needing to let the emotion out, or to push it down inside yourself... here, whatever you feel is like water on the down of a duck.
To learn more about letting go, and to reach the close of this series, continue to part 3.
The following was discovered from the amazing and wonderful Sedona Method.
If theres anything about the human experience of life that we consider magical, emotions would be the prime candidate. Even though we've discovered through science that all emotions are tied to specific neuro-chemicals firing off in the brain, what makes emotions magical is our experience of the emotions themselves.
This magical aspect of emotions is what makes them more than just the logical understanding that they are caused by neuro-chemicals. Anyone can understand the process of these chemicals firing off, but when your angry, you dont say "My brain is firing off the peptide of anger that is flooding into my cells right now"... no, you say "I'm pissed off!"
This magical aspect of emotions, then, lies somewhere in between the neuro-chemical firing off, and our experience of the emotion through our awareness of life, where the chemicals stop being "mine" and start being "me".
It is precisely this shift between "my emotion" and "me" that causes humans to get caught up/lost in the emotions they feel. Once an emotion shifts from "mine" to "me", you lose your ability to control it.
And this is no good, since it is true that we are completely responsible for our own life.
The "me" thats responsible for and in control of my life, my reality, is free and beyond the experience of emotions.
By finding ones true-self in life, and spending time in that perspective, we find our lives become less stressful, enriched, and free. By being free of our emotions, we free ourselves and those around us from the limits of the mind.
If we are ever going to truly (re)discover the separation between "me" and "my emotions", there is something we must do, for ourselves, for our own life, to make this shift happen.
To discover how to begin this process, read part 2 of this series.
I realize there is alot to read and understand in my last two blog posts. I want to give a very brief summary, to help solidify your understandings.
The main point: Imagination is food for your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind governs your energy. So, pick your imaginations on purpose, and your subconscious mind will begin feeding energy into those imaginations.
So if you imagine yourself happily going to work (instead of dreading it), smiling and feeling alive, all in your imaginations before sleep... your subconscious mind will respond with giving you the energy you need to make that imagination become real.
Very simple.
This post is part 2 of 2.
Please read part 1 before you read this.
We have now established that there is no separation between imagination and reality. To the subconscious mind, there is no difference/they are the same.
Now lets talk about practical application.
I want to begin with, and firmly drive home, the fact that NOW is the only moment that exists. Past and future exist only in the mind, yet this moment, now, exists beyond the mind.
Said another way: The mind only exists when you are using it to think about past and future, otherwise your being nautrally returns to the peaceful present moment.
It is also true that when you are being fully present in the moment, and the mind melts away, all your problems disappear too. There is no story to your problems, no reason for them to be either internally vocalized or heard by you, in the present moment.
This moment now is true liberation from all suffering, all issues, all limitations.
A big question arises: If when I'm present in the moment, my mind is completely silent, then... who is the real "me"?
Good question. Really good question.
Ask yourself this: Who is the one thats watching your life right now?
Who's watching? You? Ahh, yes. The real you.
The real you is the awareness of your life, every single moment. You, as the all-natural, already fully liberated you, are pure awareness, right now.
The one who is present in your body right now, who is aware that your eyeballs are looking at your screen, reading these words...
You are the one that is aware, that you're aware... that you're aware....
Meditation brings awareness of this. It clearly shows the fine line between "me as my mind", and "me as awareness". Infact, some form of meditation is necessary and required for deeper understandings here.
So, this moment now is the only one that exists. And while I am being present in this moment, I am connecting to the "real me", and my mind (which is the source of my suffering) is quiet.
Sounds good. Now what?
If you really want to reap benefits from these concepts (from Part 1 of this blog post), you must actually DO it. This is an area that no theorist or philosopher belongs, because these people like to do everything in their mind.
(To all you folks, realize that this practice requires action, and it infact will shift your identity from your mind, so really its impossible to just theorize about this. This is experience coming from a mind that used to be a theoretician."
What should you be doing? Using your imagination to create your reality. Or, rather, creating your reality.
The "do" part of this means that you should be spending time in your day imagining your life the way you want to. You cannot just "know" that its a good idea to do, but not actually do it. You gotta actually DO IT.
So, decide for yourself right now... right now... when during your day will you spend 5 minutes to let yourself go and daydream about the perfect life? Will you pick the first 5 minutes of the day? Will you pick the last 5 minutes of the day? Will you pick 5 minutes at 2pm? Decide right now, make a final decision, and then remember that you are serious and will actually do it (beyond being able to remember to, because you will remember to if you decide to).
By the way, 5 minutes is a minimum. I actually suggest 5-10 minutes in the beginning, end, and anytime else you wish to, if you are actually serious about getting results.
Once you have begun doing this, and you've done it 21 times, (Not 21 days, or weeks, just 21 times) you'll find that you just naturally find yourself doing it, automatically, and remembering to do it often. Your subconscious will make a habit of it, and will do it in the background.
And last time I checked, the most successful people in life are the ones that have discovered how to make success natural and automatic.
So, do yourself a favor, and decide to do this 21 times. Watch what happens in your life next.
Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.
Imagination and Reality are the same thing.
There is no difference between your imagination of reality, and the "real" reality in front of you. No difference whatsoever.
How do I know this is true? Scientists agree:
A study was done with athletes, they hooked these athletes up to precise monitoring equipment. They asked these athletes to imagine being out on the field, doing what they do. What they found was astonishing: These athletes heart-rates began to increase, they began to perspire, and their muscles began firing off in the same exact pattern as they would if they were out on the field running right now.
Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate an imagination of being out on the field, and physically being out on the field.
So what does this mean? It means your imagination creates your reality.
You are the master of your own reality. You are sitting at the helm, right now, with your body and mind awaiting your command. Your life is what you make it.
Anything you imagine IS real to your subconscious mind. And if its real to your subconscious mind, it becomes part of your map of reality. And if its part of your map of reality, its part of your life.
Why is that important? Because there are limitations in your map of reality, that you unknowingly put there, that are holding you back from your full infinite potential, that you haven't yet recognized is holding you back. This is especially true if you've never purposefully taken control of your map of reality.
You see, your subconscious mind is largely responsible for creating your reality. It does it on "auto mode", in the background, all to make your life easier. If it weren't for the subconscious mind, learning habits would be impossible! Becoming a star athlete would mean you would have to relearn how to play the game every single day.
However, we do have a subconscious mind. It does make life easier by watching our conscious patterns and making them automatic. It is a HUGE help to you as a human being!
But, it can also be your own biggest downfall, if those automations are what you shouldn't be doing anymore. Those automations were created because they helped you attain a desirable outcome in life at the time of creation, but that may have been the case when you were 5. Now that you are 20, 30, 50+ years old, if you haven't yet renegotiated with that automation, it'll continue itself on "auto-play" indefinitely. Thats why some people grow old, harboring the same issues they've had since they were children.
How do you fix those automations then? How do you pick and choose which ones you want to keep and which ones to forget completely?
Simple. Use your imagination as your sculpting tool.
It is because of your imagination that your life (your map of reality) is how it is now. So, use your imagination to make a different new map!
Stop being a victim to your own map of reality. Take control and imagine a better life! You are always creating your reality, whether you know it (consciously), or you dont know it (subconsciously). So, you best be doing it on purpose than on accident.
And you do have that choice. If you believe you dont have that choice, guess what, you are using your imagination to remove your own power from yourself that. Yes, it is possible to use your imagination to cripple yourself. Be careful.
Imagination is the process of reality creation.
The first BIG step in taking full control of your life is, to bridge the gap between imagination and reality. Forget the difference between them, there is none. They are the same thing. When you imagine, you are creating your own reality. There is no "outside" or "more real" reality than your own map of reality, which is created by your imagination.
By believing in a separation between imagination and reality, you are actually imagining that separation. And, by imagining that separation, you are forcing yourself into an infinite loop that will never end, until you finally awaken to the truth of unity between them.
Imagination = Reality
So, in short, accept that imagination and reality as the same thing, and you've already taken the hardest step into the cockpit of your life.
Next, the trick is to take control of your imagination. Step into control, assume control, and begin imagining the life of your dreams. Now.
FORGET all limitations; forget anything that would hold you back, anything (or anyone) that stands in your way. You cannot afford to imagine problems and limitations, because in doing so, you not only prepare for the problem, but you are also creating the problem you need to be ready for! Speaking of an infinite loop...
Heres how to pre-prepare for ANY problem in your life, for the rest of your life: Right now, imagine you are a strong, dynamic, fully able person that can overcome ANY obstacle in your way. You ARE strength, you can and do surmount anything that life throws at you.
Believe this. Dont try or test it, dont experiment with it, believe it right now. If you are having trouble believing in it, then just pretend to. You can at least pretend to know you are strong and able to overcome any obstacle in your life.
Every moment you spend believing, imagining, and/or pretending something, it is becoming more and more real for you. This is a universal, undeniable truth.
Now the real fun can begin.
Begin imagining what your perfect life would be like. THINK about it, what would be happening in your life. SEE yourself inside the mental images and mental movies, see yourself going through the actions, meeting the people, going to the places. FEEL what its like to finally have "it" or "him/her", or being there...
Thinking, seeing, feeling, this all = imagination. The precise combination of these tools is what you use to craft your reality with. Now, here is the glue that holds it all together:
Imagine your reality, the way you want it to be, as if it were already, right now...
This is a VERY important step, without which none of this entire blog post will work at all. It is the glue, the spark, the activator.
Do not imagine your perfect life in "the future". The future never exists. Just like the past doesn't exist anymore. The only moment that EVER exists, is right now.
If you want a million dollars, THINK what its like to have it, SEE yourself having it, giving it away, spending it, etc, and FEEL what its like to finally have it.... ALL, as if you had the million dollars in your hands right now.
Get creative with this. The more creative you are with your imagination, the more detailed your reality will become.
Theres a reason why children daydream... we all come pre-wired to know this truth of life. We've just forgotten the power of imagination through years of not using it, and through belief in separation of imagination and reality.
But no more!
This entire process is a way of life. This is not something you are going to be doing, its who you are becoming that will changing your life.
Every morning when you wake up, remember that this is a brand new day. This day holds infinite potential for you. Your day, your entire life, right now, IS what you are imagining it to be.
If you are using your mind at all (which, if you are into practicing presence/meditation, you'll know its a good idea to turn your mind off frequently), you should at least be filling it with imaginations of how you want life to be, instead of all that "instead" crap.
Choose your thoughts, choose your reality.
And then, at ultimate end, let it all go, and be present in the moment.
So, lets jump straight in. Want to learn a cool technique to help you get huge results with the concepts presented in parts 1 and 2 ? Well sure you do.
[Technique #1: Letting Go]
This is something you can do anytime, yet it particularly helps to do this when you are feeling overcome / out-of-control with your emotions:
Close your eyes (if you cant, keep them open) and see yourself floating up out of your body... floating up further and then turning around to look down upon yourself. See how your body is sitting, and just watch yourself for 10 seconds. Do a count softly, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now drop the image you are looking at, and just exist in the silent void there... no counting, just be. Just be.
When you are ready, come back to your senses.
Those 10+ seconds felt so relaxing, didn't they? You see, thats all it takes to shift your physiological state from out-of-control, to unified peace.
This is what many people call the process of "letting go".
(Oh, and by the way, if you have trouble "seeing" yourself, dont stress about it. If you feel like you are looking at yourself from outside yourself, thats the same thing. Or if you hear something that ensures you of this, thats similar to. However you best imagine.)
You can even do this at stop lights, waiting in line, waiting for someone, when you're bored, even when you're happy.
You will find much success in doing this 21 times. Just 21 times, not 21 days or weeks, just times. If you can repeat it that many times, which is enough to create a subconscious habit, you'll find yourself thinking to do it automatically when you are in the "heat of the moment" lost in emotion. Nifty trick to have.
[Technique #2: Dropping into Alpha (state)]
Want another one? Sure you do. This one works only with your eyes open, and can be done practically anytime, anywhere.
With your eyes open, looking straight ahead comfortably, fix your gaze on something in particular. Keep it there. Now, while doing that, in your peripheral (side of eye) view, notice another object that is in between you and your 1st object. Just notice it along with what you are looking straight at. Next, notice a 3rd object in your view, this one being behind your 1st object, or to the left or right of it. Now, keep these 3 objects in your view, constantly updating your awareness on all 3 at once. If you wish to deepen your results, notice 1 or 2 more objects somewhere in the gaps between your first 3 objects.
Do this for as long as you want to. The longer you do it, the more your problems dissolve away.
This is great to do when you are about to engage yourself in a conversation. It gives your mind a refresher, like a quick reboot on your PC. It speeds you up, clears out your current thoughts, and gives you a clean slate upon which to claim "Me" from.
You can do this practically anytime that your direct focus on 1 object is required, like being in a conversation with a person, operating machinery, or (hopefully) in the middle of driving. But certainly you can do it in your breaks.
And again, 21 repetitions of this will solidify it as a remembered habit. Next time you are about to give a speech, you'll remember you have this technique.
Hopefully both of these techniques serve you well, as you practice and find use for them. Remember, keep it up, and keep practicing them over and over again. After you've done them enough to remember to do them more often, you'll be glad that you started. Trust me.